• Design and Applicability of the Patent Box

  • A reward of up to 60% tax exemption on revenues derived from bringing the results of the innovative process to market.

  • Once an RD&I process has been completed and successful results obtained, these are “crystallised” in different intangible assets. Their performance may be subject to benefiting from a special tax procedure, known as the Intellectual Property box regime (IP box regime), Innovation Boxes or patent box regime. In general terms, this regime seeks to make the exchange of knowledge dynamic, as well as promoting the results of the innovation process being brought to market.

    It is a tax exemption of up to 60% of the positive revenues derived from the transfer or use of the exploitation of certain intangible assets such as patents and other assets protected through industrial and intellectual property rights (software). Increase the value of your company, recognising the value of the technology that you are developing.

  • Eligibility of technological intangible assets subject to transfer or transmission.
  • Identification of costs of generation and traceable R&D activities/projects.
  • Reasonable and “robust” evaluation based on comparable assets on the market for the transfer or transmission and agreement between the parties.
  • Assistance process.
  • Are you interested in this service?
  • Contact us and we will take your business into the future.